
Islamic Studies Faculty

History of Islamic Studies Faculty Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Pekanbaru as the oldest university in Riau Province has developed constantly from the time period. The development as a duty and integrity in value develop process of islamic as well as Malay culture in Indonesian citizens moreover Southeast Asia. This regard has made UIR Pekanbaru, in several years is at top ten ranked private university in Indonesia.

UIR Pekanbaru, which is located in the capital city of Riau Province, has developed on providing the enlightenment on citizens until bringing up the various faculties. The emergence of these various faculties is a positive response to the knowledge needs at the pace of development of the times. UIR at the moment has eight faculties and one of it is Islamic Faculty (FAI). FAI UIR Pekanbaru continues to developing the gait by disclose the various islamic studies program in purpose to create moeslems bachelor with islamic character and professional that insightful about education knowledge and islamic.

Before the name has changed into Islamic Studies Faculty (FAI) UIR Pekanbaru, this faculty formerly named Ushuluddin Faculty, which is the oldest faculty and the only religion faculty from each seven faculties that in UIR Pekanbaru environment. Ushuluddin UIR Pekanbaru faculty as the emergence pioneer of FAI UIR Pekanbaru, officially established on May 17th 1969. In 1977 the complete baccalaureate program Dakwah Faculty was starting to open, in a year 1987/1988 the complete bachelor program was starting to open by apply the Credit Semester System (SKS). In a year 1991 Ushuluddin Faulty status increased became “equalized” in accordance with Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Decree Number: 257/1991 date of 17th October 1991.

Da'wah Faculty that has nurtured by Ushuluddin Faculty experiencing alteration because Da'wah Faculty became individual faculty in Islamic College (OTAI) in accordance with Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Decree Number: E/189/1996 date of 12nd November 1996, at a time Ushuluddin Faculty name has changed into Islamic Faculty Philosophy of Aqidah with “equalized” status and Islamic Broadcasting Communications department (Da'wah) as “registered” status. Concomintant with the alteration of faculty’s name that provides an opportunity for unveiling the new major in respond of current development. Islamic Faculty (FAI) UIR Pekanbaru has opened the new major i.e Sharia Economics Study Program (B Accreditation), Islamic Education Study Program (Unggul Accreditation), Islamic Early Childhood Education Study Program (Good), Sharia Banking Study Program (Good), and Arabic Language Education Study Program (Good).


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Welcome to the Islamic Studies Faculty of Universitas Islam Riau website. This website aims to give information to prospective students, public, stakeholder, as well as Islamic Faculty’s students about academic activities and non-academic programs are part of a series of realizations of Islamic Faculty's vision and mission. This website contains information relating to faculty profile, study program, academic program and non-academic activities development in Islamic Faculty of Universitas Islam Riau, including achievement of the objectives of lecture activities based on curriculum development and human resources in carrying out the Tri Darma of university

As an academic institution with the purpose to create high-quality human resources with a global outlook, we are obliged to provide information as much as possible and up-to-date to students, lecturer, staff, alumni, stakeholder and public who need the information.

We really hope for critics and suggestions so we can improve the quality of this website.

Wassalamualaikum wr wb,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saproni, M.Ed