Faculty News

Muhammad Alif Al Fikri, Express his Happiness in Joining with Islamic Faculty UIR

One of the new students of Syariah Economic Study Program Islamic Faculty Universitas Islam Riau 2023/2024 period Muhammad Alif Al Fikri express his happiness in joining with Islamic Faculty UIR. This information has delivered when he joined the activities of Introducing College Life to The New Students at Islamic Faculty Hall on Thursday, (14/09/2023).

“I am so happy for joining with Islamic Faculty, on the second day activities here it feels positivite, even before this activities go through I recently got an offer on becoming one of Islamic Faculty Staff for Imam position in one of the mosque here”, Alif stated.

On developing an interest and potential of the students, Islamic Faculty UIR endeavour to give a place for students, so that the potential of students will grow here. Like Muhammad Alif Al Fikri felt on getting an offer to be an Imam of the mosque.

“Lots of Islamic UIR students that works with study, among of them become a Kindergarten, Primary school and also high school teacher. Even there are several of them has already becoming a Bilal and Imam of the mosque”, Dean stated.