Islamic Faculty UIR Educational Staff Farewell Speech, Dean expected of Performance Improve

Islamic Faculty (FAI) Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) do a farewell speech activities with the Educational Staff (Tendik) Head of Administration and Head of Academic. The activities take place on Monday, (08/01/2024).

As for the new Head of Administration i,e Wimpeny Bakhtiansyah, B.A and the new Head of Academic in Islamic Faculty i.e Primadhani Metia Putri, S.AB. Dean of Islamic Faculty UIR Dr. Zulkifli, M.M.,N.E. I expect that all of Educational Staff could give an excellent service to the students.

“To all of educational staff let’s us together improve the synergy for work, give the best service to Islamic Faculty students”, Dean asked

Vice of Dean I Dr. Syahraini Tambak, M.A, Vice of Dean II Dr. H. Hamzah M.Ag, and Vice of Dean III Dr. H. Saproni M.Ed.also attend to the activities